Artistic license: Using email metrics to fuel creativity
A/B testing can actually help with idea generation. Find out how to use analytics to craft creative email content.
The Favorite Four: Subject Line Slam Dunk semifinals
When subject lines face off, you win. It’s the semifinal round of our Subject Line Slam Dunk tournament — the ultimate A/B subject line test. Vote today!
The ABCs of A/B testing | How to base your subject lines on science
You can create more impactful email subject lines and increase open rates by A/B testing copy. Here's how to get started.
Announcing the Subject Line Slam Dunk contest
When subject lines face off, you win. We’re A/B testing eight subject lines, knockout tournament style, to find out which one is best. Vote today!
Improve your email performance with these 4 A/B tests
A/B testing helps you send better emails by providing insight into what resonates with readers. Start by testing these four elements.