How to Prep Your Business Now for the Holiday Season
For many small businesses, the holiday season accounts for a large percentage of annual sales. It makes sense to get ready for the holiday season now.
Participate in Free Shipping Day and Grow Your Biz
There are still things your small biz can do to make this a good holiday season. One of these is participating in Free Shipping Day on December 18th.
Drive More Traffic (and Sales!) with Pinterest
Pinterest is an easy, or relatively easy way to grow your business and drive traffic to your website, especially during this holiday season. According to a social media shopping study by richrelevance, Pinterest...
Holiday Shopping Goes Local [Infographic]
The results of the Deluxe Annual Holiday Shopping Survey are in and show steady gains for small businesses. Let's take a glance at the survey highlights:
Get Ready, It’s Time for Holiday Email Marketing
It's never too early to start your holiday email marketing plan. And we're here to help you get prepped for a fantastic holiday season.
Is Your Email Marketing Holiday Ready?
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday are just days away, and the intense weeks of holiday shopping and spending still to come, makes email marketing a must. Our customer email data shows that...
Holiday 2012 Spending & Promotion [Infographic]
As indicated in our recent blog post, Holiday Promos That’ll Get Your Registers Ringing, the National Retail Federation’s (NRF) holiday consumer spending survey conducted by BIGinsight, predicts that over $1...