Deciphering Twitter Search – Tips in 2 [Video]
With Twitter Search you can search for people, photos, videos, news and a ton more.
Do This, Not That – SEO Edition [Infographic]
We answer common SEO questions about what to do and what to avoid when it comes to search engine optimization in this "Do This, Not That" infographic.
Are Google Ad Extensions Right for Your Business?
Google Ad extensions help advertisers get more clicks by showing more relevant information to users in addition to their regular ad text.
4 Simple Ways Pinterest Can Boost Your SEO Game
What if we told you that you could optimize your Pinterest account without even trying? Here are 4 easy ways to boost your SEO efforts by using Pinterest
How to Keep Soaring After Google’s Hummingbird Update
We've got the lowdown on the newest algorithm update called Google Hummingbird.
6 Hot Tips & Tools to Optimize Your Content
Leading the content marketing team at VerticalResponse has taught me a lot about optimizing our content; so let me share six of my hot tips and tools to optimize yours.
Your Google Places Questions Answered!
We recently held an information-packed webinar about the power of Google Places. We had a great turn out for the webinar, and received so many questions that we simply couldn’t get to them all. So, we asked...
Why You Need Google Authorship Now
We show and tell you why you need to get set up with Google authorship.
A Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization
The words "search engine optimization" (SEO) may sound a bit intimidating at first but, they're critical to success for any business. This guide shows you the ropes.