Facebook Announces New Detailed Video Metrics
As businesses continue to upload video to Facebook, the largest social network is beefing up video metrics in Page Insights, and ad reporting is coming soon, too.
5 Metrics Every Marketer Needs to Keep an Eye On
No matter your business, you need to know how you're doing when it comes to bringing and converting new leads. Here are 5 metrics we keep an eye on.
Go Beyond ‘Vanity Metrics’ with Your Marketing
You may be focused on so-called vanity marketing metrics, but remember the real reason you’re putting time, effort and money into social media...
5 Facebook Insights Metrics to Pay Attention to
We break down 5 Facebook Insights metrics we should all pay attention to. We'll tell you what each metric is, where you can find it in Facebook Insights and why it matters.
Give Your Dashboard a Makeover: 8 Email Metrics That Count
There are so many metrics available to us, yet only a select few are actually useful. Opens, clicks, revenue may inform you, but they are what I would call "raw" numbers. As in, do they really tell you whether your...