Email marketing has a fantastic ROI, with studies showing that you can yield roughly $55 for every $1.40 you spend.

However, to achieve these standout returns, you need to make sure that your marketing emails are issue-free.

For instance, if your emails don’t display correctly or lead readers to the wrong page, this is can cost you dearly in conversions.

To make sure you’re not bleeding out clicks and sales, it’s important that you check for some of the most common mistakes before you send out your next email blast.

Ready to maximize returns on your email marketing efforts? Keep reading to find out what you need to look out for before you send out your next online blast.

1. Your Subject Name

When sending out a new email blast, it’s essential that you check your subject names.

Firstly, do your emails have compelling subject names? Is it something that readers will want to click?

For instance, a subject line like “10 ways to level up your fitness today” is far more compelling than something like “This month’s fitness tips.”

There are many recipes for attention-grabbing subject names. Some of these include:

  • Playing on words and leveraging humor
  • Personalizing subject names
  • Keeping things short (this tends to stand out to the eye in inboxes)
  • Scarcity-style subject lines
  • Alliteration
  • Using you/your
  • Incorporating an element of mystery (eg. I tried intermittent fasting… and this happened)

Besides checking for click-ability, you should also make sure that the subject lines on your next online bast aren’t too long and are being cut off. A cut-off subject line is confusing and loses impact.

2. Spelling Errors

Before you hit send on your next email blast, you should also check the content carefully for spelling or grammatical errors.

Spelling mistakes send a very bad message. According to reports, the humble typo can affect everything from your online dating success to your website’s bounce rate. Research shows that many people will leave a website when they see a spelling mistake for fear that it’s fraudulent.

If you’re sending out an email blast that’s dotted with typos, this isn’t a good look for your business. Instead of directing powerful marketing messages, all you’ll be telling your email subscribers is that you put out low-quality content. This begs the question—if your content has issues, what about your products and services?

3. Broken Links

Another critical thing to double-check for your next email marketing blast is your links. Go through your email drafts and make sure that all included links are functional and lead readers to the intended landing page.

Broken links are bad for two reasons. Firstly, like spelling mistakes, they tell the reader that you didn’t take a lot of care crafting your email. They also render the email useless.

One of the primary purposes of most marketing emails is to get the receiver to click on the contained link. If the link is broken, you’ll be missing out on conversions, customer engagement, and potential sales. You’ll also be disappointing your leads.

4. Forgotten Links

Besides broken links, you should also comb your emails with a fine-toothed comb for forgotten links.

It’s easy to forget to create a hyperlink in the heat of crafting a killer email blast. But, like broken links, forgotten links look very bad to the reader.

Besides looking sloppy, forgotten links can also be confusing and frustrating. If a reader really wants to click on your offer or head over to your blog post, they’ll probably spend a few moments hovering over parts of your email looking for a link.

If nothing pops up, instead of being excited to click your link, they’ll start feeling baffled and irritated.

5. Device Viewability

A lot of marketers and small online business owners tend to only check their email blasts on desktops. However, it’s essential that you also check viewability on phones and tablets.

Search engine data reveals that 75% of Gmail users now access their accounts from mobile devices.

If your emails aren’t displaying well for these recipients, you’re losing out on a whole lot of potential conversions.

To make sure your emails are displaying well for all formats, check through a few on as many devices as you can, as well as different email clients and browsers.

Does this sound like a lot of work? It is. Instead of wasting time, check out our Test Kit that shows you in minutes how your emails display across dozens of different devices, browsers, and email clients.

6. Overall Readability

Finally, before sending out that next email marketing blast, it’s also a good idea to check for overall readability.

This might sound intuitive, but you’d be surprised how many marketers send out emails that are hard to read.

Firstly, check your reading grade level. Make sure that it is not too high, even if your audience is well-educated. Easy-to-read emails require less effort and can be more engaging than those with a high reading difficulty.

Check to make sure that your text color stands out and is clearly visible against the background.

Also, ensure that any graphics and images don’t interfere with your text.

Lastly, keep an eye out for any weird formatting issues and make sure that you have optimized for both HTML and plain text formatting.

Automate Your Next Email Blast With Vertical Response

Don’t let common mistakes compromise your next email blast. Instead, check through for these 6 issues to make sure you’re not losing clicks and conversions.

Are you hunting for ways to make your email marketing blasts more effective? One of the top secrets to successful email marketing is automation.

If you’re on the hunt for an all-in-one email marketing and automation solution, look no further. Here at Vertical Response, our job is to make your email marketing campaigns effortless and well-converting.

With our tools you can create a professional-looking email in minutes, A/B test it, poll your readers, and more.

Sign up for a free trial today and accelerate your next email marketing blast.

© 2021, Chris Duncan. All rights reserved.

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