A Handy Holiday Marketing Calendar
Once again, it’s time to plan your holiday marketing campaigns. To help you get organized and inspired, we’ve created this handy holiday marketing calendar and plan: Before you plan out your holiday marketing...
7 Marketing Tips to Prep for the Holiday Rush
It's time to get your holiday marketing plans in shape. We've got 7 helpful tips:
20 interesting holiday fun facts to share
In an effort to share the holiday cheer via social media, we've collected 20 interesting holiday fun facts for you to share. Simply click to Tweet or copy and share on your social network of choice.
The Top 20 Most Effective Holiday Subject Line Words [Infographic]
We analyzed 10,000 email campaigns to come up with 20 top-performing holiday subject line words.
4 Ways to Banish Writer’s Block
Although it’s frustrating while you’re in the moment, writer’s block doesn’t have to be completely crippling. Here are a few strategies to try.
5 Easy Ways to Ignite Your Customer Service
Providing your customers with stellar customer service can reap benefits for your business all year long. These five ideas can help.
3 ways the iPhone 6 affects your emails and what to do about it
With bigger screens comes bigger opportunities to adjust your emails. Here are three ways in which the new iPhone 6 affects your emails, and what to do about it:
6 Handy Tools to Monitor Social Media Success
Every day, people are posting 500 million tweets, 55 million Facebook updates, 5 million pins on Pinterest, 60...
Saucy Tips to Boost Sales via Pinterest
Want to use Pinterest to sell products? Lea Richards, owner of Pig of the Month BBQ, offers tips to pin down more sales.