(not provided): Google Locks Up 100% Keyword Data
With the flip of a switch, Google has taken away all (free) keyword data, except for clicks on ads. We give you the lowdown on the big change.
Intro to Remarketing Lists for Search Ads
Remarketing lists for search ads let you tailor search campaigns target people who have previously visited your website while they are actively searching.
RIP Google Keyword Tool – What to Use Instead
The Google Keyword Tool has been axed. Here our favorite tools to replace it:
Top 10 Marketing Blog Posts of 2013 (So Far)
We're well through half of 2013, so to celebrate, here's a roundup of the top 10 marketing blog posts (so far) chock full of tips, tactics and how-tos:
What to Know About Google AdWords Content Campaigns
We’ll breakdown how to use Adwords Content Campaigns within your search engine marketing (SEM) strategy.
Google’s New Enhanced Campaigns for Display Advertising
In a previous post, we discussed changes made to Google AdWords‘ pay-per-click (PPC) Enhanced Campaigns (for Search). These new Enhanced Campaigns are designed to give you more control over bidding and...
Use Mobile Ads to Bring Customers to Your Door
Have you ever seen a mobile ad and wondered if it might be a good fit for your business? Mobile advertising allows you find users at the right place at the right time. Looking for lunch options at noon? Have car...
Don’t Waste Your Dough! 5 Secrets to Maximizing Google AdWords
Did you know that when managing your Google Adwords pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, it’s pretty easy to waste big bucks without even knowing it? That dough down the drain could be put to good use, especially...
How to Pick the Best Keywords [Video]
In less than 10 minutes we'll break down what a keyword is and the best keyword tools to use.