The Power of Surprise as a Marketing Tool
Do you like surprises? Well, here’s a good one for you: A recent article by Scott Redick in the Harvard Business Review suggests that the element of surprise is the most powerful marketing tool of all. Now...
Dear Google, where’s my website? Get listed with Google in a snap.
Get your website in the Google listings with these pro tips from our friends at Boostsuite.
Are You a Content Thief and Don’t Know It?
We’ve written a lot about content marketing and how important it is to provide valuable information and resources for your customers and prospects, as well as how content marketing benefits your search engine...
9 Stellar Social Media Infographics You Simply Gotta See
Infographics, oh, sweet infographics. They’re beautifully designed images that infuse our brains with interesting statistics, knowledge, tips, and advice. How did we ever survive with out them? Not only do...
Let’s Hang! Use Google+ Hangouts as an Innovative Marketing Tool
Wanna hangout? Oh, you live in another city/country/universe? No problem – Google+ Hangouts to the rescue! If you’re not familiar with Google+ Hangouts, it’s a free video chat service that allows...
Content Marketing for Business to Business [Infographic]
If you're targeting other businesses, you may wonder how your marketing tactics compare to others, or may be looking for inspiration.
Unleash Amazing Content
The most important element to creating and sharing great content is, quite simply, to start creating and sharing content.
The Secret to Content Optimization for People and Search
Working as a content marketing director, my team and I are responsible for the creation, editing, publishing and optimization of dozens of pieces of content each week. We strive to create relevant, meaningful and...
Should Businesses Only Speak When Spoken to on Social Media?
Most modern brands and businesses want a vibrant social media marketing campaign. But, figuring out the secret sauce of using your social media networks to engage users without annoying them isn’t always an...