Pinterest Rich Pins, Can They Get You More Biz?
There’s something new in the Pinterest universe – Rich Pins. According to the Pinterest blog, “Right now, there are three types of rich pins: movie, recipe and product.”
Product pins allow you to pin a product and includes pricing, availability, where to buy, and will update this info every day. Automatically. Once you’ve pinned one of your products you won’t have to keep checking your boards for outdated items. You pin will be updated, as long as the information is available on your website.
The bottom of the pinned image shows the product name, price, if it’s in stock and where to get it.
In addition to product pins, there are recipe pins which give all the details on ingredients, time, and servings right in the pin. Pinterest notes, “For recipes we support and hRecipe formats.” If you’re a movie lover, there are movie pins that provide ratings, reviews, and cast member info. Again Pinterest notes, “For movies we support the movie format.”
Setting up rich pins may take a bit of effort, but they have the potential to drive some serious sales, so it may be well worth your time. You’ll need to:
- Update meta tags on your website (what’s a meta tag?)
- Test out the pin
- Apply to Pinterest to get them live
Pinterest has a great page to help you hit the ground running. And, if Pinterest is still new for your business, we’ve got a helpful guide to get you pinning like a pro!
Have you seen rich pins in action yet? What do you think of ‘em? Let us know in the comments!
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