A Social Media Photo Sharing Smackdown: Instagram vs. Twitter
Instagram, the beloved photo-sharing site with an avid cult following, (100 million monthly active users to be exact), gave Twitter a swift upper cut just three months ago in a social media smackdown of sorts. What...
Random Acts of Small Business
Recently,Taylor Stitch offered to buy anyone who stopped by their store, a free cup of Four Barrel Coffee.
Google Adwords Changes You Want to Know
If you’re already using Google Adwords to run your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, you may have noticed some changes within your Adwords campaigns recently. In February, Google released the option to upgrade...
Stellar Customer Experience: 4 Tips
I’ve been thinking a lot about our customer experience lately as we’ll soon be making some sweeping changes to the way we do business at VerticalResponse. When I see other businesses that do a bang up...
VR Event Marketing Goes Mobile!
To give your customers the best possible experience, VR Events has made some enhancements for mobile viewers. In today’s uber-connected world, you need to make sure people can view and accept your event invitations...
4 Reasons You’ll Fail at Entrepreneurship
This article by VerticalResponse CEO and founder Janine Popick originally appeared on Inc.com. I went to a great tech event called VatorSplash. It’s an event where tech entrepreneurs claw their way to center stage...
Turn Your Phone Into a Facebook Phone
There's no place like home for Facebook. Today the company announced Home - "a new way to turn your Android phone into a great, living, social phone."
4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing
Taking a little bit of time to make just a few changes to your email marketing can get you big results in engagement.
Give Customers Something to Yelp About
If you own a small business, you might be using social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to boost your social presence. However, another site you should highly consider is the ever-informative...