Email Automation Ideas to Improve Close Rates
Did you know that, according to Finances Online, B2B digital sales in all the channels grew by 10.9%...
B2B Email Best Practices
Business-to-business email marketing is a particular approach where you target companies rather than individual clients with your email...
Warm Up leads with Email Automation
When you revamp your B2B marketing strategy, you shouldn’t forget about email marketing. Did you know that 60%...
5 Crisis Management Email Templates
The last year was hard on everyone, but business owners faced crises that no one could have anticipated....
How to Communicate Price Increases Via Email
As we come out of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy starts to recover, many business owners are...
Keep Your Small Business Emails Out of The Spam Folder Using These Tips
Small businesses are the backbone of countries around the globe. In the United States, they employ about 59...
6 Email Campaign Types for Small Businesses
Today there are about 30.2 million small businesses in the United States. That's about 99.7% of business within...
Email Marketing For Hotels
There are over 54,000 hotels in the United States: if you run a hotel, you need to know...
7 simple (yet powerful) email marketing ideas for local nonprofits
You don’t need a big budget to increase donations and involvement. All you need is a simple email marketing strategy.