Holiday Gift Guide Emails Make Shopping Easy
Holiday gift guide emails are a useful tool to get your customers' attention and show your products this time of year.
After the Email Send: 4 Ways to Reel in Sales
After you've sent a promotional email, do you leave the line in the water hoping the fish reel themselves in? No, my friends...
Get Ready, Small Business Saturday is Coming Soon!
Small Business Saturday is rapidly approaching so it’s time to do a little planning to see a big pay off. If you’re new to Small Business Saturday, here’s a little info to get you up to speed....
What’s New Weekly – Dog Health App Whistle + Mobile Dating App Hinge [VIDEO]
In this episode we share Whistle, a wearable technology for man's best friend and discuss the mobile dating app Hinge.
Holiday Shopping Goes Local [Infographic]
The results of the Deluxe Annual Holiday Shopping Survey are in and show steady gains for small businesses. Let's take a glance at the survey highlights:
Boost Your Holiday Marketing with Postcards
If you're looking to shake up your holiday marketing, or looking to supplement your email marketing plans, think about adding postcards to the mix.
Lights, Camera, Video Marketing – How to Add Videos to Your Marketing Mix
How can you make video marketing a part of your promotional efforts? How can you garner a share of that viewership and boost your revenue? Let's find out.
The Secret to Top-Notch Customer Service
How do you ensure your company is providing top-notch customer service? Here's the secret.
Grab Those Early Shoppers with Email Marketing
The early bird gets the worm, but the early bird shopper gets everything they’re looking for. While you may suffering from Halloween candy overload, it’s not too early to start sending holiday emails....