Apple Watch – Will It Come to Fruition?
A quick Google search turns up heaps of articles speculating what Apple might have in the works for its iWatch. Here's what we've uncovered so far...
Content Your Customers Actually Care About
Content marketing seems to be all the rage right now, right? But as it turns out, businesses have been using content to give customer-value for over a hundred years. Here’s a great example: In 1904, Jell-O...
Is Google Keep a Keeper?
If you're like most people you've got a ton of stuff to keep track of and get done every day. Thanks to the folks at Google, we may have found a keeper, in Google Keep.
Google Intros Tool to Measure Mobile ROI
Google is giving businesses a tool to measure ROI for mobile ad spending. Read all about it.
6 Ways to Keep SEO and Content Sittin’ in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Think back to high school and your first puppy love experience. If you were a rebel, you might have written your name and your new love interest on the bathroom wall with a big heart surrounding the two names....
Looking for Investors? Lessons from the Shark Tank
Many of the Shark Tank learnings a can be applied to real-life whether you’re looking for investors, or just delivering a quick pitch about your company.
Content Idea Secrets from a Content Marketing Team
Wondering where bloggers and content marketers get all those ideas? I’ll let you in on a little secret… it’s not from a magical vault, though sometimes I wish one existed! As the content marketing...
Want to Advertise Online? Google Grants Gives Back to NonProfits
Do you have a nonprofit organization? Are you looking to find ways to promote your mission and initiatives? Google has a nonprofit edition of Google Adwords (Google’s pay per click advertising platform) called...
Turn Daily Deal Recipients Into Repeat Customers
You ran a daily deal offer. Now what? Here are a few simple ways you can entice your daily deal recipients to become repeat customers.