3 Tools That Make Busywork Suck Less
This article by VerticalResponse CEO and founder Janine Popick originally appeared on Inc.com. Administrative work sucks. Tracking down receipts, entering new contacts into your database, following up with people...
Mailbox App – Cleaning up Inbox Chaos
There's been a lot of waiting around here lately. And not just in the Skadeedle office, people are waiting everywhere. The reason? Mailbox. This is a new app to handle your email inbox, and people are chomping at...
Is Your Tweet Short and Sweet? [Infographic]
Twitter gives you 140 characters, but tweets that are short & sweet get the most retweets. This bite size infonugget gives you the dets.
Loyal Customers More Likely to Open Your Emails [Infographic]
Want high email open rates? Send them to members of your customer loyalty program. Check out this bite size infonugget for the dets!
Is Your Content Marketing RITE?
So with so much content marketing out there how do you get yours seen, read and shared? You've got to make your content R-I-T-E.
Best Time to Tweet on Twitter?
Wondering when the best time to tweet on Twitter is? When your tweets will get the best engagement? This bite-size infonugget has your answer.
Using the Word Exclusive Increases Email Opens [Infographic]
This bite size infonugget shows that using the word exclusive in promotional emails can pay off for your email open rate.
Customer Loyalty: 3 Ways to Create a Cult-Like Following
Have you ever been a member of a cult? Don’t be so quick to say “no way Jose!” – It seems like a crazy notion, but hear us out. The term, “cult” may have a negative connotation...
SEM Crib Notes for Beginners
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of online marketing that’s extremely important in gaining visibility for your website, yet there are so many terms to remember, you may forget your own name. Luckily,...