The Next Black & White Animal for New Google Update: Google Skunk
If you’ve worked on the Internet in the past 12+ years, you may have felt the sting of a Google update to their search algorithm. Nowadays, just hearing the words “Panda” or “Penguin” will send a company-wide...
Amid Social Media Buzz, Don’t Forget Email Marketing
The marketing world is fully enamored with social media. But with all the focus on social, author Dale Traxler of Practical eCommerce, reminds fellow ecommerce marketers not forget about email marketing. “Email may...
Writing for the Web (It’s Not What You Learned in English Class)
One of my best friends is a dentist who is about to open her own private dental practice. I received a frantic call from her the other day: “I’m building my website, but I have no idea how to write anything for it....
Smartphones + Email = BFFs [Infographic]
Smartphone owners know how great they are for checking email. How often to do you check email on your smartphone?
Hit ‘Em With Your Best Shot: Segment Your Email List [Infographic]
A whopping 80% of marketers send the same info to everyone on their email list. Using segments of your email list can help you make a big impression.
Like Email? So Do Brand Advocates [Infographic]
Like email? So do Brand Advocates. More advocates make recommendations through email than social media.
12 Blog Tips For AFTER Your Next Post [Infographic]
We've got a great step-by-step infographic chock full of blog tips for 12 Things To Do After You've Written a New Blog Post from cool kids over at Divvy HQ.
Tablet and Smartphone Owners Love Email! [Infographic]
Tablet and Smartphone owners read email on their devices, remember to design your emails for those smaller screens!
Don’t Get Hacked – WordPress Security Tips to Keep Your Blog Safe
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine tried accessing her WordPress blog via her smartphone only to find that it mysteriously redirected her to a Russian website. When she tried accessing the site through her desktop...