We’re part of a bunch of LinkedIn Groups. Why? It helps us have our finger on the pulse of what’s going on in our industry. We find interesting discussion topics, free content like infographics, and news we may not have seen. Using industry content (with source credit, of course) from a LinkedIn group in your newsletters, blog posts, or social updates could be killer for your business, like it is for ours. It’s excellent fuel for your content marketing strategies.

LinkedIn may seem mainly B2B-centric, but there are tons of different groups anyone can join.

We joined about 15 groups that have affinities for SEO, email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, you get the picture. Every day an email pops into our inbox with active discussions from that group. More often than not, someone posts a cool infographic, blog post, question or something that might be important for our readers to see. We take that content and post it to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, giving cred where cred is due, of course.

How ’bout an example: Say you own a restaurant. Gather content to share with your readers by joining a local LinkedIn fan group, TV station or news station. Being that we’re in San Francisco, let’s say your restaurant is close to the SF Giants stadium (aka AT&T Park – though we still refer to it as Pacbell Park), search for local LinkedIn groups in the area like this one:



Once you’ve joined, you can also post something to the group specifically, but don’t just blast out your specials. Talk about how much you love the Giants, mention if a Giants player was in your location, participate in discussions, ask questions about players, you get the gist.

Better yet, there’s probably stellar content that gets posted to this group, like this piece of news (found below) about paper tickets. You could post this to your Facebook and Twitter communities during the season. This just even more intriguing information for your patrons, plus it gets your business in front of them via relevant news.


So whether you’re marketing to businesses or Joe next door, don’t forget to join LinkedIn Groups, and check your email inbox for the next great content marketing idea.

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