The world of online advertising is evolving. Soon those rectangular display banner ads that sit at the top of your screen will disappear and new interactive ads will take their place.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau, which is made up of 600 media and technology companies and is responsible for selling 86% of the online ads in the United States, is leading the change-the-ads charge. After all, display banner ads have been around since the early 2000s. Considering how quickly things change in the digital world, banner ads like this are ancient.

What will replace display banner ads?
Online advertising will move toward interactive ads of all shapes and sizes with various placements throughout a webpage. The Interactive Advertising Bureau is introducing six new ad options, one of which is called the “Billboard” ad.

Like a banner ad, it sits at the top of the page, but it’s roughly double the size. It can serve as a mini movie screen to play video, or the space can be split into a static ad and a video ad. Watch this video for an example.

Another ad choice, called the “Filmstrip,” puts content into a scrollable window on the right side of the screen. In the example below, a car ad was created. You can check out pictures of the car and even customize the car by changing colors and interior options. Plus, you can see what people are saying about the car on Twitter. All of this information is in the ad and you don’t have to leave the site you’re on to see it.

What kind of results are the new ads getting?
According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, people are 2.5 times more likely to interact with these ads than with traditional options. Plus, people are viewing these ads for a longer amount of time, about 31% longer than traditional ad options.

How will the new ads impact small businesses?
Barney Garcia, our paid media manager says the new ads can set a business apart. Anytime you can differentiate yourself, it’s a win.

Increased customer engagement is also a bonus, but these ads might not be accessible to every small business.

“These new ad formats will be harder to produce, leaving small businesses without the expertise or budget to compete with bigger players … at least at the beginning,” Garcia comments.

Like every new trend, the big brands will try it out first. In time, the cost and resources needed to make these ads will come down and become more of a viable option for small businesses, Garcia predicts.

That doesn’t mean you should wait around and let the big boys do their thing. While the change won’t happen overnight, you can research the new ad options and start looking for people who have the skills to bring your ads into the next generation.

What do you think of the interactive ads trend? How will your small business prepare for the change? Tell us in the comment section below.


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