Last week, while doing a search for “VerticalResponse” on Twitter, I stumbled upon a very smartly crafted Tweet. It had 2 key elements, it mentioned what the customer’s end goal was and it contained supportive language about email marketing with VerticalResponse.

It took me all of 2 seconds to decide that I wanted to ReTweet this comment so that everyone who is following our VerticalResponse Twitter account could see it. My goal was to help spread the love for VerticalResponse by showing Carolyn’s love for VerticalResponse, but as a side effect I wanted to promote Carolyn’s 7 Step Seminar. After I ReTweeted it, a domino effect happened, everyone else in my company ReTweeted my Tweet about her as well.

I met Carolyn at a conference awhile back and I do not know if she was trying to get VerticalResponse to ReTweet her, but I do know that her company is pretty new and, like any new or growing small business, help with promotions can really make a difference.

So take a few minutes and show some support or say thank you to some of the companies that you are working with. If you craft your messages appropriately you just might get ReTweeted, get a mention in a blog post or newsletter, or even wind up being a case study for the company you are supporting. You will also be passing on a resource that your business finds useful to your audience, which is a practice that is very well received on social media.

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