Nailed Your Copy? Think Again.
My team and I produce a lot of content for VerticalResponse. In doing so, I also edit a ton of copy. Sometimes after reading the same content for what seems like the millionth time, I have a “Eureka!”...
Be the Webinar Host with the Most – 4 Tips!
I conduct a lot of webinars here at VerticalResponse. From giving product demos to hosting special guests with great advice, I’ve done and seen it all. If you’ve considered creating and hosting your own...
DIY: 5 Free Tools for Creating Killer Infographics
To paraphrase from The Social Network a bit here, a million (words) isn’t cool, you know what’s cool? An infographic. Nowadays, people don’t have the time or energy to sit and plow through pages...
Build a Content Marketing Calendar, Customers Will Come
There’s someone I’d like you to meet! My biggest frenemy in the world: Procrastination. Oh wait, you two have already met? Of course you have, procrastination gets around, am I right? And, when it comes...
If the NYC DOT Has Fun Content, You Can Too!
Thanks @andysernovitz, (he wrote the book on word-of-mouth marketing) who recently wrote about a great creative blog idea by the NYC Department of Transportation in his latest newsletter. That’s right, you...
Make Your Content Pop with Pictures
It’s a scientific fact that we all love to look at photos! Okay, so it’s not a fact, but photos are a great way to build engagement on your Facebook page, Twitter feed and even your blog. Why? First and...
Your Stuff = Great Content Marketing!
You’ve probably got some great pictures of your employees, some videos of you in your business, a super picture of your product or a wonderful customer testimonial that you recently got. This is all great...
Keep Your Sign Up Form Easy – eh?
I wanted this really cool PDF on low cost PR for your business. I knew I’d have to give up some of my info on a sign up form to get something for free but I wasn’t prepared for this: So not only are ALL...
Optimize Your Website’s Content to Improve Visibility
When it comes to optimizing your website content there are more than a few factors to consider. The first goal is to get people to visit your site. Next, you’ll want to keep visitors engaged for as long as...