The Laughing Cow Does Cause Marketing, Building Email Lists, & Social Media in One Great Promotion
I was watching TV the other day (as I do) and saw this great commercial for The Laughing Cow cheese. First of all, I eat the stuff. It’s a great low calorie snack. Love that. But this commercial had a twist:...
Facebook Deals: Kind of a Big Deal
Are you looking for new ways to use online marketing and social media to build your business? If you’re reading this blog, then you just might be! In that case, you may want to pay particularly close attention to...
Your Email Is About to Get More Social
In January of 2010 we launched our current social sharing features with much fanfare and excitement. But even when this set of social features went live, we knew we’d soon revisit the concept of...
Post-Webinar Q&A: Twitter For Your Business
VerticalResponse Webinars are not only free, but a great resource for small business email marketing and social media tips and advice. If you haven’t had a chance to attend one, check out all the great...
Want More Clicks? Tease Your Readers!
If you’re using social media for your business good for you! Hopefully you’re paying attention to which messages you publish to social networks like Facebook and Twitter get the best response. But it’s...
Ask Questions, Get Answers with Facebook Questions
Have a question you’ve been dying to get the answer to, but didn’t know who to ask? Want to find out what products and services your business needs to add to the mix? Well, our buddies at Facebook have...
The New “Places” Feature on Facebook – What It All Means
With over 500 million people using Facebook, you may have noticed your friends checking-in around town (or even around the country). How are they doing this? They’re using Facebook “Places”...
The 411 on Facebook Insights
You’ve heard everyone is on Facebook, so you created a Facebook page for your business. Welcome to the club! You also might be social sharing your emails and getting “Likes”. Now what? Wondering...
How Small Biz Can Think Big – Interview with VerticalResponse CEO, Janine Popick
As VerticalResponse celebrates its 10th birthday, my team thought it would be great to host a webinar and share some of our experience from a decade in business. Our Director of Retention & Conversion...