The Advantages of Segmenting Your Email Lists
By targeting specific groups aka segmenting your email lists, you can greatly improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.
Call to Action Test – Which Got More Action?
The quickest way to improve your email marketing is to test and see what works and what needs improvement. It’s easy to do, and you can test anything in your email – subject lines, images, copy,...
Simple Way to Use Customer’s Geographic Information in Your Email Marketing Campaigns
We bought a Soda Stream because you can make fizzy water in minutes, right from the comfort of your own home, and who doesn’t love a little fiz in their H2O? The only thing is, you need to send back the...
Free Guide: Email Marketing Resolutions for 2010
We’ve already given you your Small Business Checklist for 2010, and so what that it’s already February. Here’s your Email Marketing Resolution list (yep, add this to your long list of resolutions) for...