Living in a Post Google Penguin SEO World
Knowing how to navigate the Google Penguin SEO changes that have happened can mean the difference between a site that receives traffic from Google and one that doesn’t.
The Next Black & White Animal for New Google Update: Google Skunk
If you’ve worked on the Internet in the past 12+ years, you may have felt the sting of a Google update to their search algorithm. Nowadays, just hearing the words “Panda” or “Penguin” will send a company-wide...
Writing for the Web (It’s Not What You Learned in English Class)
One of my best friends is a dentist who is about to open her own private dental practice. I received a frantic call from her the other day: “I’m building my website, but I have no idea how to write anything for it....
3 Cool Small Business Tools
We're always on the lookout for cool tools to help grow and power small businesses. Today, we're sharing 3 small business tools that'll help you build an audience, a mobile website (for all those tablet and mobile...
Top 20 Most Popular Marketing Blog Posts of 2012
As 2012 comes to a close, we’re ecstatic to share our “Top 20 Marketing Blog Posts of the Year” list. We strive to produce informative, valuable and actionable content for our readers, and over the past year,...
Create SEO Goodness For Your Site Now
Was your site affected by the Penguin and Panda updates? If you answered yes, read on for a few fast tips on how you can create SEO goodness for your site.
5 Must-Knows for SEO
Search algorithms seem to change more frequently than the latest fashion trends. Although the Panda and Penguin updates have received lots of the attention lately, experts say that Google alone makes adjustments to...
Quick! How to Use Images to Get You a Higher Google Rank
Getting to the top of Google’s natural search rankings is a big challenge with lots of moving parts. It’s a little science, a little art and some luck doesn’t hurt, either! So how ’bout some...
Skadeedle is Coming…The Perfect Online Marketing, Finally
We’ve been working pretty hard on a brand spankin’ new online marketing product we’re hoping to blow your doors off with. We’re a bunch of pretty cool people that know if there’s one...