Is Occupy Wall Street Good or Bad for Small Business?
We recently sent a short online survey to a portion of our small-business customer base, to see what they thought about the current Occupy Wall Street movement. Here are some of our findings.
iMedia Connection: Cater Your Email Marketing to the Holiday Shopping Phases
How can you make the most out of your end-of-year email marketing? Let the three phases of holiday shopping be your guide.
This Holiday Season, Say it with a Postcard
Email marketing is a great way to keep your company, products or service in front of your customers. But this time of year the inbox starts to get pretty crowded. How, then, do you get your customers’... Areas of Your Business You Should Be Testing
You should be constantly trying new things in all parts of your business to get better results and, in the long run, grow. Here are a few ideas you might try to test.
Yep, It’s Holiday Prep Time Again
As much as we love the holidays for the opportunity to spread cheer, participate in festivities, share warm fuzzy moments and declare what we’re thankful for, we can’t deny these later months are also...
Email Marketing for this Holiday Season
It’s nearly that time of year: frosty mornings, football on the weekends and the holiday frenzy we all love. If that last statement is difficult to take, or you suddenly gulped when you realized it’s...
Essential Fall Holidays to Recall
What is it about fall that’s so appealing? Is it the crispness in the air, the vibrant oranges and yellows that emerge, football season, or the slight hint of cinnamon in just about everything? Whatever it is, fall...
How Much is TMI on Your Website?
The following post is the latest installment by Janine Popick for the Inc. com Girl Power: Female CEOs blog. Yep, I did the unthinkable. I put my e-mail address on my company’s website. Most people say...
iMedia Connection: Why Free Trials Can Pay for Themselves
I recently guest blogged for iMedia Connection, and wrote a post called “Why Free Trials Can Pay for Themselves.” If you’re serious about your business, the idea to give away your product or...