Guest Blogging is (Really) Dead! 4 Things to Do Instead
Guest blogging is now officially dead, and we're here to give you four great alternatives to do instead.
Deciphering Twitter Search – Tips in 2 [Video]
With Twitter Search you can search for people, photos, videos, news and a ton more.
Will the New Google Maps Kill Local Search? [VIDEO]
A few of the major changes to Google Maps are going to have a big impact on local search. We will help you stay on top of the big changes with these tips.
What’s New Weekly – Apple Event Rumors [VIDEO]
In this episode, we dive into the rumor mill for the new Apple Event on October 22nd. Will they release new colorful iPads, or maybe even that new TV?
What’s New Wednesday: Instagram Video and Facebook Photo Feature
We’re back with another episode of “What’s New Wednesday.” In this episode, members of the Skadeedle crew highlight big news from Instagram and Facebook.
Top 5 Videos from Google’s SEO Guru, Matt Cutts
In the SEO world , there’s no bigger name than Matt Cutts, the Head of Webspam at Google (read: the leader of the SEO world.) Matt wears colorful t-shirts, polos, runs ultra marathons and is a genuinely nice...
How To Use Video in Email Marketing Campaigns
I have talked about creating videos for your business and your website in the past but it’s more important than ever for you to take advantage of video marketing in your business, especially in these tough...