The Impact of Blogging and Online Influencers
If you’re still wondering what a blog is, or why your business should use one, it might come as a shock to know that many people have amassed large fan followings and have built great social authority as bloggers....
Want to Advertise Online? Google Grants Gives Back to NonProfits
Do you have a nonprofit organization? Are you looking to find ways to promote your mission and initiatives? Google has a nonprofit edition of Google Adwords (Google’s pay per click advertising platform) called...
Neuromarketing: How Your Brain Sees Your Website
You’d think that after attending a digital public relations summit, I’d have lots of new goodies to share about PR, social media or content. Surprisingly, what really blew me away at the conference...
How CalTrain Rides the Social Media Rails
What can you post to social media if you have a service-oriented business & you don't have specials? Does social media still work for your biz? You betcha'!
Email Opt-In: Make it a Double, Or Not?
We answer the burning question: Should you use single email opt-in or double when building your email marketing list?
Everybody’s Doing it, But Are Image Heavy Emails Really a Do?
If you take a look at your inbox these days, you’re bound to see a lot of emails that contain either very little text and one big image, or lots of images. We live in a visual world and an image can...
Think Big, Get Funds, Bring Ideas to Life with Kickstarter
Have an idea or a project you think could make bank, inspire others, or blow some minds? Bring it to life! Easier said than done, right? Where do you find the funding, and would others actually find your idea just...
3 Basics of Facebook Analytics
This article by VerticalResponse CEO and founder Janine Popick originally appeared on You’ve spent a significant amount of time setting up your business’s Facebook presence and are feeling...
Content Strategy For Slow Experiences
We associate fast and efficient with good. But, is there a time and place where slow and steady wins the race?