Facebook Hashtags Have Arrived
Following a conversation on Facebook is now a little easier thanks to the introduction of clickable hashtags.
Myspace Relaunched This Week
Myspace completed their relaunch on Wednesday, officially kicking off their much-heralded attempt to regain some of the prominence they once held as a social media site.
The Anatomy of a Great Email
Anatomy class in high school was pretty interesting, fun, maybe even a bit gross at times, but it definitely made an impact on everyone who took it. I enjoyed it so much, that I majored in Biology (at least for...
Email Marketing Rules Conversion
According to a recent study, email marketing is the leading driver of conversions over search and social. Get the scoop here.
Google’s New Enhanced Campaigns for Display Advertising
In a previous post, we discussed changes made to Google AdWords‘ pay-per-click (PPC) Enhanced Campaigns (for Search). These new Enhanced Campaigns are designed to give you more control over bidding and...
A Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics
This short Google Analytics guide shows you the ropes from getting started, reports to use and how to make the most of your analytics.
What’s New Wednesday: Apple iOS7, Mavericks OSX and Google+
We’re back with another episode of “What’s New Wednesday.” In this episode, members of the Skadeedle crew highlight big news from Apple and the new and improved Google+.
5 Facebook Insights Metrics to Pay Attention to
We break down 5 Facebook Insights metrics we should all pay attention to. We'll tell you what each metric is, where you can find it in Facebook Insights and why it matters.
Establishing a Voice and Tone for Your Business
Here are some best practices for establishing a style and voice that will help bring your company to life and boost engagement with your audience.