Word of Mouth Supergenius Show in July – Get the VerticalResponse Discount!
Our buddy Andy Sernovitz puts on the fantastic show “Word of Mouth Supergenius Show” each year. We’ve gone to it, and we love it so we’re using a word of mouth tactic and telling the world!...
Non-Profits: How You Can Use Twitter and Facebook
Non-profits, you have it tough when it comes to running your business. You’re always short on cash and people to do the work you need to do. That’s why we give non-profit organizations 10,000 free emails per...
5 Tips for Winning Back Customers
If you’ve got customers that have never left you for another competitor good for you! But I don’t believe you. It happens to the very best of businesses. Business should always be focused on getting new...
Case Study: LockPickShop Uses Email Marketing To Boost Facebook Fan Base and Bring in Revenue
We are often asked about successes with email marketing from other businesses so we decided to start publishing more email marketing case studies from various industries. This is a great one about how a the...
Get a Higher Open & Click Rate with Pre-Header Links
Your recipients are getting your email marketing campaigns in various email readers and on mobile devices and many of them are making decisions on whether to read them in a split second. They look at who the email...
Email Delivery: 6 Tips for Delivering B2B Email
Our Email Delivery Manager Kiersti Esparza, recently contributed to our blog with Part 2 of our ongoing email deliverability information which focused on Email Delivery: How Your Email Looks in Different Email...
New Features: Improved Seed Lists & Merge Field Testing
Back in March we launched our big Email Creation Upgrade which provided tons of new enhancements to make creating your email marketing messages easier and faster. At the time of launch one feature that wasn’t...
May Monthly Email List Building Ideas
In an attempt to give you 5 new ways to build your email marketing list each month, here are new ideas you can put to work for your business. 1. Street Fairs! – Summer weather is here! If you participate in...
Use Buttons Instead of Links and Increase Your Clicks
There has been some research around whether using “buttons” on your website and in your email marketing campaigns as a call-to-action instead of words with links drives more clicks. It’s one of...