3 Ways to Make Your Email More Social
We’ve all heard rumors that email marketing is dead and social media is the new king of the hill for customer engagement. But, we’ve seen that by integrating social media into your emails, you create a...
Facebook Messages – What You Need To Know!
There’s been a lot of hubbub about Facebook’s recent announcement of their new messaging system, “Facebook Messages.” Some thought it would be a new email service, and some even called it an “email...
Newbie to Advanced: How to Track What People Are Saying About Your Business Online
You probably have a Twitter account and you most likely have a Facebook page for your biz. You’re doing a great job building your followers and messaging them about upcoming specials and fun things going on...
5 Tips for Dealing with Complaints on Twitter from Mashable
If you’re following your company name and your own name on Twitter, good for you. You’re probably using something like TweetDeck to do this. Don’t you love it when people say nice things about...
8 Places to Find Advocates For Your Business
Most businesses have customers who love them and who love to talk about them. You’ve probably spent a lot of time and energy building up your business, so now it’s time to locate those people who love...
Restaurants & Bars: 5 Ways to Use Twitter & Facebook
We get this question all the time, “I’ve got a restaurant or a bar, and I send out my weekly or monthly email marketing newsletter, but what should I be posting to Twitter and Facebook?” Social media...
Case Study: LockPickShop Uses Email Marketing To Boost Facebook Fan Base and Bring in Revenue
We are often asked about successes with email marketing from other businesses so we decided to start publishing more email marketing case studies from various industries. This is a great one about how a the...
5 Ways to Feature A Customer in Your Marketing
We’ve been having some really good luck in our marketing campaigns when we feature a customer. It’s always great to have customer testimonials since the best way to sell your product or service is to...
Social Media Campaign Ideas to Build Fans & Increase Engagement
Many social media programs are goaled on the amount of friends or followers as well as the engagement levels of those friends and followers. Contests, give-a-ways and polls are all great ways to build your...