Advice from a Social Pro: Are Facebook Promoted Posts Valuable? [VIDEO]
Tim McDonald, former Director of Community at Huffington Post, shares his thoughts on the value of Facebook's promoted posts.
Keys to Creating Memorable Social Media Promotions
More businesses are turning to Facebook to boost their bottom line and every one wants to know: What’s the secret to a successful social media promotion?
Facebook Ads, Promoted Posts and Offers, Oh My! What’s Best for You?
If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you’ve no doubt come across some form of advertising. You may be less familiar, however, with the different types of Facebook ads/advertising options. And, if...
Facebook Promoted Posts – Worth the Price?
We recently wrote about Facebook Promoted Posts - What they are, and why you may want to use them. Today, we ask: Are they worth it?
Facebook Promoted Posts – What’s the Deal?
We noticed some posts in the news feed that weren't from one of our fab friends; they were, as it turns out, Facebook Promoted Posts.