How ModCloth Takes the Social Media Cake
What’s wildly successful, unbelievably adorable, and huge on social media? If you said, “cat videos,” or “Ryan Gosling,” you’re absolutely correct, but I’m also talking...
Big News! VerticalResponse Acquires Roost™ Social Media Marketing Platform
I’m super excited to let you in on some great news; VerticalResponse is adding a leading social media marketing platform to our list of powerful tools enabling you to engage with customers instantly; Roost by...
Social Media Day Comes to a City Near You
I love the concept of Meetups, which are localized gatherings of people engaging around common interests. You may have even read my recent blog post about organizing a Meetup of your own. And if you’re in San...
Social Media Engagement – Do Kids & Puppies Rule?
As an active social media participant and contributor, we are always interested in seeing what our fans and followers respond to when we post and share new content. To shake things up a bit from our usual marketing...
Webinar Q&A: Facebook For Your Business
VerticalResponse Webinars are not only free, but a great resource for small business email marketing and social media tips and advice. If you haven’t had a chance to attend one, check out all the great...
The Laughing Cow Does Cause Marketing, Building Email Lists, & Social Media in One Great Promotion
I was watching TV the other day (as I do) and saw this great commercial for The Laughing Cow cheese. First of all, I eat the stuff. It’s a great low calorie snack. Love that. But this commercial had a twist:...
Facebook Deals: Kind of a Big Deal
Are you looking for new ways to use online marketing and social media to build your business? If you’re reading this blog, then you just might be! In that case, you may want to pay particularly close attention to...
Create a Great Meetup in 4 Easy Steps
In this day and age – from real-time Twitter updates to Facebook statuses – everyone is moving at the speed of light. But when it comes down to making meaningful connections, nothing beats face time and...
Want More Clicks? Tease Your Readers!
If you’re using social media for your business good for you! Hopefully you’re paying attention to which messages you publish to social networks like Facebook and Twitter get the best response. But it’s...