Maximize a Product Launch with This PR Plan
You don’t need a huge PR machine behind you to successfully launch a new product. Candace Locklear of Mighty PR and Vijay Chattha of Applaunch PR recently gave their popular talk at Appnation, with the intent...
3 Tools That Make Busywork Suck Less
This article by VerticalResponse CEO and founder Janine Popick originally appeared on Administrative work sucks. Tracking down receipts, entering new contacts into your database, following up with people...
Mailbox App – Cleaning up Inbox Chaos
There's been a lot of waiting around here lately. And not just in the Skadeedle office, people are waiting everywhere. The reason? Mailbox. This is a new app to handle your email inbox, and people are chomping at...
Nobody Puts Hashtag in the Corner
Who owns the hashtag? The Internet has been furiously debating this question since Twitter’s Super Bowl end zone dance in which Twitter was, according to Venture Beat, mentioned in 50% of all Super Bowl ads (more...
Is Your Content Marketing RITE?
So with so much content marketing out there how do you get yours seen, read and shared? You've got to make your content R-I-T-E.
Social Media & Communities: Is There a Right or Wrong Way?
There are two distinct approaches that most people and companies take with their social media community efforts. The first approach is to look at the numbers. The more people you get in the funnel (or in this case,...
Facebook Promoted Posts – Worth the Price?
We recently wrote about Facebook Promoted Posts - What they are, and why you may want to use them. Today, we ask: Are they worth it?
Customer Loyalty: 3 Ways to Create a Cult-Like Following
Have you ever been a member of a cult? Don’t be so quick to say “no way Jose!” – It seems like a crazy notion, but hear us out. The term, “cult” may have a negative connotation...
Could an Unleashed Google+ Overtake Facebook?
It’s a well known fact that Google has wanted to be top social media dog for years. But in reality, the entire wing of a pet cemetery could hold the remains of Google’s attempts at past social media...