Need Help Producing Content? Consider a Freelancer
If you haven’t figured it out already, we here at VerticalResponse are big advocates of creating timely, relevant content as a surefire way to engage with your customers and audiences. But we also know that, for...
Music Festivals: Crusaders in Social Media & Small Biz Exposure
When you think of music festivals, do you imagine crazy crowds, illegal substances, and overall chaos? The connotations may be true, but did you also know that music festivals are crusaders when it comes to...
Pinterest – It’s Not Just for Women
You’ve probably heard it a million times already, so I’ll just say it up front: Pinterest is Reddit for women. But if your company caters to men, should you ignore this up-and-coming social network?...
5 Tips for Creating a Winning Presentation
From no projector to awful audio, it's not uncommon to be faced with unexpected "gotchas" when giving a presentation. Here's how to make your presentation gotcha proof.
Use Live Video in Your Email & Increase Engagement
Many of us have considered using live video in our emails to engage our readers in a unique way. In the presentation titled, Video Email: When, Why, and How, the Email Experience Council (EEC) offers an impressive...
Social Local Mobile: What is it & How Does it Impact My Business?
You may or may not be familiar with the term SoLoMo. If you’re not, don’t worry because the term was just recently coined. An offshoot of Hyperlocal Search, SoLoMo stands for Social-Local-Mobile. Greg...
4 Business Tools That Make Life Easier
These apps are worthy of your attention because they will free up more time in your day.
Get Publicity: 5 PR Advantages Small Businesses Have
Small businesses have some key advantages over large corporations when it comes to getting positive PR coverage. Here are five.
Fundraising Resources That’ll Fuel Your Funds
Fundraising is an important aspect for any non-profit, but it can also be pretty stressful; your next year depends on how well it goes. It’s understandable that this could cause some tense moments during your...