Social Media For Small Business [Infographic]
Social media can mean big business for small businesses. What percentage do you think use social media to promote their biz? 20, 30 40%? More!
Top 5 Industries Using Email + Social with High Open Rates [Infographic]
This bite-size infonugget shares the top 5 industries that use email and social media marketing and have the highest open rates.
Email Subject Lines & Tweets Made Easy – Dee’s Conversation Starter
Do you ever struggle trying to write a great email subject line? How about crafting your next great Tweet? Enter Dee's Conversation Starter.
Is Your Tweet Short and Sweet? [Infographic]
Twitter gives you 140 characters, but tweets that are short & sweet get the most retweets. This bite size infonugget gives you the dets.
9 Twitter Tips You Need
Twitter is one of the most popular social media marketing tools and has exploded in use. Here are 9 Twitter tips you need.
Loyal Customers More Likely to Open Your Emails [Infographic]
Want high email open rates? Send them to members of your customer loyalty program. Check out this bite size infonugget for the dets!
Best Time to Tweet on Twitter?
Wondering when the best time to tweet on Twitter is? When your tweets will get the best engagement? This bite-size infonugget has your answer.
Using the Word Exclusive Increases Email Opens [Infographic]
This bite size infonugget shows that using the word exclusive in promotional emails can pay off for your email open rate.
Twitter’s Super Bowl End Zone Dance
Twitter sacked the social network competition and won the social media Super Bowl with a mention in 50% of all Super Bowl ads during Super Bowl XLVII.