Email Marketing Tips: Your Checklist for 2013
Time to reflect and time to start the new year off with ACTION. Here are 10 MUST DO email marketing tips you gotta use to get going in the new year!
Sunday Marketing Cartoons!
Gotta love the Dil’s marketing cartoons! See how Dogbert, the VP of Marketing explain their product! Enjoy and share with your buds!
Instagram for Business: Set Up Your Instagram Profile
Now you can set up an Instagram profile and post all kinds of content for your business. What's also cool is that images on the top of your screen rotate...
Social Media Campaign Idea: Bacon!!
Oscar Meyer sent comedian Josh Stankey on the social media road with 3000 lbs. of bacon to see if he could barter his way across the country; brilliant!
Google+ Local and Google Places, What’s the Diff?
Got a local biz? You need to be listed in Google+ Local so it's easily found when anyone searches for your business name or your keywords.
Shop Small – Saturday November 24th
Reach out to your customers through email marketing and social media to tell them about the benefits of Shop Small with your business.
Engaging Content Marketing is at Your Fingertips
You’ve got a smart phone right now, right in your pocket or in your purse. It’s hands freakin’...
Set Up a Pinterest Business Page & Put it to Good Use!
Set up your own Pinterest Business Page and get your own profile, include your business name on your Pinterest business page and your URL.
Sunday Developer Cartoon…
This week’s Sunday cartoon is a developer cartoon! Enjoy!