Sunday Funny…Do You Do This?
Do you do this?
Great Email Marketing Alert from Uber
Uber is one of our favorite companies here in San Francisco. You need a cab fast, clean and reliably? They bring it. This weekend is one of the busiest weekends in our city and they reached out to their Uber users...
You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers – Insight from Support
Julia is a support representative here at VerticalResponse. She and other reps work diligently to answer customers’ questions quickly, efficiently and with a little personality…well, maybe a lot of personality, but...
Sunday Email Marketing Cartoon…
We love our Sunday email marketing cartoons… Thanks Email Marketing Reports!
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How NOT to handle an email marketing unsubscribe
We were trying to unsubscribe from an email marketing campaign today and we were met with a terrible way to handle an unsubscribe: Sooooo, what do we have here: We couldn’t unsubscribe without telling them...
Neat Email Marketing Idea – Get them Re-Interacting!
I just got an email from the fine folks at MMA SmartBrief. They send a bunch of newsletters and apparently I’ve not opened this one in some time. This one I did, something about the subject line got me: Last...
The Power of a T-shirt
We were just recently at a trade show where there were over 50,000 people. It was crazy! The expo hall was buzzing with the usual suspects: People at a booth in labcoats – your marketing Dr.’s?...
If the NYC DOT Has Fun Content, You Can Too!
Thanks @andysernovitz, (he wrote the book on word-of-mouth marketing) who recently wrote about a great creative blog idea by the NYC Department of Transportation in his latest newsletter. That’s right, you...