HTML5 Fun Fact – Dragging Photos to a Web Page
Google, Gmail, WordPress and soon Skadeedle all build online services in html5. In Gmail you can drag a file to a web page to attach it, in Google Docs you can drag a picture to a presentation and in WordPress you...
Quick Tip! Email Marketing Rendering on Mobile Devices
If you don’t know by now that a pretty large percent of your readers open up your email on their email device, you’re missing out on a pretty big opportunity in our humble opinion. You do it yourself...
Your Stuff = Great Content Marketing!
You’ve probably got some great pictures of your employees, some videos of you in your business, a super picture of your product or a wonderful customer testimonial that you recently got. This is all great...
Perils of Sending Image-Only Email Marketing Campaigns
Great artwork! Too bad their first line of “text” was their unsubscribe message… …because the pre-header is made...
Quick! How to Use Images to Get You a Higher Google Rank
Getting to the top of Google’s natural search rankings is a big challenge with lots of moving parts. It’s a little science, a little art and some luck doesn’t hurt, either! So how ’bout some...
Be Everywhere Chaz is…Now!
Your super cool customer Chaz is at work right now at his advertising agency. He is sifting through his morning email and comes upon yours. He doesn’t have time to look at it right now but your subject line...
Skadeedle is Coming…The Perfect Online Marketing, Finally
We’ve been working pretty hard on a brand spankin’ new online marketing product we’re hoping to blow your doors off with. We’re a bunch of pretty cool people that know if there’s one...
Keep Your Sign Up Form Easy – eh?
I wanted this really cool PDF on low cost PR for your business. I knew I’d have to give up some of my info on a sign up form to get something for free but I wasn’t prepared for this: So not only are ALL...
Clipper: A Faster Way to Post Great Content
Social media is all about engaging your customers and fans. Sharing interesting content and industry knowledge is a great way to start conversations, but it can be a real time suck finding and/or creating all that...