Grab an Email Address With a Popup Window
If you’re using best practices like Branders, you’ve got an email marketing newsletter sign-up form on every page of your website. You collect email addresses at your counter before someone leaves and...
Was the White House Spamming?
You may have heard the brouhaha about the Obama administration sending an email marketing campaign out to millions of recipients last week regarding the health care reform. During a press conference Fox News...
Why a Text Version of Your Email is Important
I know, as you who build your email marketing campaigns, you need to get through it fast so you can move onto important stuff like running your business. I get it. But I think it’s time to tell you why you...
5 Easy Things to Test to Get a Better Response in Your Email Marketing Campaigns
Testing something new or changing something seemingly small in your email campaigns can definitely tell you something about how your recipients will respond. You’ll either get more open & clicks or you...
New Report: Email Spending to Hit $2B by 2014
I was recently reading Direct Magazine and my good friend and editor Ken Magill published an article about the state of email marketing spend. David Daniels an analyst from Forrester Research talked about their...
10 Ways to Get More Clicks in Your Email Campaigns
We all want our recipients to open our email campaigns, right? But it’s what happens after the open we’re truly concerned about. We want our recipients to read our articles and take action whether...
Great Example of Time Sensitive Email
Neiman Marcus sends out a daily email, and close to holidays it’s even more often than that. It may be pushing the limits for number of emails sent, but they do have some great ideas that perhaps your...
Partner With Another Business – Get More Customers
A while ago I started my application for Clear. I travel a lot and with Clear I won’t have to stand in security lines at airports. I’m sure I’ll have to give up any and all identifiable...
The Wrong Way to Handle Unsubscribes
I got an email the other day from what appeared to be a non-profit organization requesting donations for their cause. Normally this would be fine, however I never signed up to receive their information, I’ve...