Growing Your Email List Can Be a Piece of Cake
Last Friday morning I stopped in my neighborhood bakery, Noe Valley Bakery, on the way to work. The first thing I noticed – besides the mouth watering pastries – were the signs by the front door and on...
11 Spam Words to Avoid in Your Subject Line
An ever-popular question we get here at VR is “What words should I avoid in an email to ensure inbox delivery?” If only there was a straightforward answer to that question! As with many things email...
Fab Fives of VR Marketing Blog Posts
Cinco de Mayo is almost here, and to celebrate I’m sharing our fabulous blog posts that include the number 5. There were 11 in the last year alone! Check ’em out and discover ways to add a little flavor...
Top subject lines for a birthday loyalty program
Every year each one of your customers celebrates a birthday/anniversary of the first time they’ve done business with you. Your business also celebrates its own anniversary doesn’t it? This is a built-in...
VerticalResponse Turns 10!
I never dared to imagine that on an extended vacation in Burgundy, France, joined by my husband and two basset hounds, that the concept we dreamed up would grow to be a 10-year-old company that we call...
Send Your Next Email Campaign to Celebrate American Food Holidays
I got an email from Boudin Bakery today. For those of you who don’t know Boudin, they are a San Francisco staple. If you come to “Frisco” (can we bring that word back btw?) and don’t have...
Rockstar Takeaways from the 2011 Email Marketing Summit in Sin City
Last week three of VR’s marketing managers attended the MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2011 in Las Vegas. The trio not only took on Sin City in style (they networked and socialized with other summit attendees...
Email Resolutions You Can Keep
By the second week of January a lot of resolutions have been made, and quite a few have already been broken or forgotten. I have a few email resolutions that will be easy for you to make and keep this year and...
Keep One Eye On the Horizon Because the Holidays Aren’t Over Yet
When the winter holidays came to a close, I was looking forward to switching gears, slowing down, and taking some time to come back to center. And it felt nice…until I looked at my calendar and was reminded...