The Power of a T-shirt
We were just recently at a trade show where there were over 50,000 people. It was crazy! The expo hall was buzzing with the usual suspects: People at a booth in labcoats – your marketing Dr.’s?...
4 simple ways to monitor your competitors’ marketing strategies
Competitive analysis is just a fancy way to describe the process of checking out what your competitors are doing, or not doing, and using that information to your advantage. Observing your competitors’...
If the NYC DOT Has Fun Content, You Can Too!
Thanks @andysernovitz, (he wrote the book on word-of-mouth marketing) who recently wrote about a great creative blog idea by the NYC Department of Transportation in his latest newsletter. That’s right, you...
Acquisition or Partnership? How to Decide
If you're thinking about forming a partnership or acquiring another business, these questions will make it easier to decide which option is best.
HTML5 Fun Fact – Dragging Photos to a Web Page
Google, Gmail, WordPress and soon Skadeedle all build online services in html5. In Gmail you can drag a file to a web page to attach it, in Google Docs you can drag a picture to a presentation and in WordPress you...
Google & Social: A Cautionary Tale
Google’s recent acquisition of Wildfire was just the latest in a long series of big moves made by the search giant in their quest for prominence in the social sphere. But it was the first significant one in a...
Your Stuff = Great Content Marketing!
You’ve probably got some great pictures of your employees, some videos of you in your business, a super picture of your product or a wonderful customer testimonial that you recently got. This is all great...
How to Make Trade Show Planning Easy Breezy
I love making lists and enjoy crossing things off lists even more! I create lists in both my personal and professional life. So when it comes to planning tradeshows (almost 30 a year for VerticalResponse), needless...
Quick! How to Use Images to Get You a Higher Google Rank
Getting to the top of Google’s natural search rankings is a big challenge with lots of moving parts. It’s a little science, a little art and some luck doesn’t hurt, either! So how ’bout some...