Be the Webinar Host with the Most – 4 Tips!
I conduct a lot of webinars here at VerticalResponse. From giving product demos to hosting special guests with great advice, I’ve done and seen it all. If you’ve considered creating and hosting your own...
Twitter Uses Email Marketing for “People You May Know”
Most of you are probably checking your email inbox more than Twitter, no surprise. And we’re sure that as a result, Twitter decided to let you know via email marketing that there are some people you should be...
DIY: 5 Free Tools for Creating Killer Infographics
To paraphrase from The Social Network a bit here, a million (words) isn’t cool, you know what’s cool? An infographic. Nowadays, people don’t have the time or energy to sit and plow through pages...
Facebook’s Promoted Posts! What Does This Mean for Your Biz?
Facebook’s Promoted posts have arrived! If you want to get your post read by more people than those you DON’T pay for go ahead and pay $7. According to Facebook they’d like it to be used for...
Sunday Funny…Do You Do This?
Do you do this?
Great Email Marketing Alert from Uber
Uber is one of our favorite companies here in San Francisco. You need a cab fast, clean and reliably? They bring it. This weekend is one of the busiest weekends in our city and they reached out to their Uber users...
Email Marketing Subject Line Length | Subject Line Length – Is Longer Better?
I’ve spent years in the trenches of email marketing cranking out my fair share of messages. Hence, I’ve also done a heck of a lot of testing around the basics, including subject line length. For years,...
10 Common Facebook Questions Answered!
One of the great things about working at VerticalResponse is that we help solve problems, and not just with our own products or services. We make it a point to keep up on new trends and technology because our...
You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers – Insight from Support
Julia is a support representative here at VerticalResponse. She and other reps work diligently to answer customers’ questions quickly, efficiently and with a little personality…well, maybe a lot of personality, but...