Can Linkedin Endorsements Help Your Business?
If you’re a business looking to hire new peeps you, like us, probably head to Linkedin to find that oh-so-right person. You look to see if they fit the bill, they have the proper Skills & Expertise, they...
Small Business Innovators – Back to the Roots
Editor’s Note: We’re constantly amazed at the innovations we see happening in small businesses every day. As part of a periodic series, we’ll highlight some of the companies we think are turning...
Picture Some Data: Infographics!
An infographic is just an easy way to display complex info. We use them every day and don’t even think about it! A road sign, a map, a subway system, they are all forms of them. And what we’re seeing...
Don’t Let Meetings Suck Your Time
Six reasons why I hate meetings, and what you can do to make them more efficient.
Your LinkedIn Company Page – A 5 Minute Spruce-Up!
LinkedIn can really be a cool way for you to grow. Do a search on any B2B company and you’ll find that for most searches the LinkedIn profile of that company comes up on the first two pages. So take the next...
Sweet Updates to VerticalResponse Social – Coupons & Clipper
We love customer feedback! Many of you have been using VerticalResponse Social for a while now, and have given us some great suggestions. Our engineers jumped on the advice and made some awesome enhancements to our...
5 Pinterest Knockoffs to Keep Your Eye on
Currently the third most popular social network behind Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest has taken the world by storm. With a simple “virtual” pinboard concept, Pinterest is easy to use, and as you will see, easy to...
These 3 Questions Will Help You Close
Understanding the needs of your prospects is paramount to closing a deal. Ask these three simple questions to get those critical insights.
What is Facebook Recommendations Bar & Why is it Cool?
We just installed the Facebook Recommendations Bar on the Skadeedle blog and it’s super awesome. What does it do for your visitors? It pops up a Facebook window recommending a few other blog posts your...