Enhance your email marketing with print marketing
When paired together, email and print can expand your email list, increase brand awareness and grow your business.
15 Retail Marketing Ideas to Boost Sales
We assembled ten retail marketing ideas to help bring increased sales and more loyal customers.
6 Tips to Ensure Direct Mail Avoids Junk Mail
6 quick tips for a successful direct mail campaign.
Crafting a Successful Cross-Channel Marketing Strategy
Email + Social = Success! Sound familiar? Research we conducted earlier this year showed that customers using our both our email and social products experienced an uptick of up to 28% in their open rates. More than...
Calling All NonResponders – Don’t Give Up on Them Yet!
Who and what exactly are nonresponders? These are subscribers who continue to get your emails, but haven’t opened, clicked or responded in a long time, if ever. We’ve all read the advice to clean up our...
How Williams-Sonoma Rolls out the Welcome Mat with Email & Direct Mail
While preparing for a recent move, I contacted the US Postal Service to change my address. While doing this, I was given the option to update my mailing address on a few catalogs and magazines I receive. It’s...
This Holiday Season, Say it with a Postcard
Email marketing is a great way to keep your company, products or service in front of your customers. But this time of year the inbox starts to get pretty crowded. How, then, do you get your customers’...
A Happy Mailbox Surprise
Checking my mailbox doesn’t have the same allure it did when I was younger. What once brought letters from pen-pals, birthday cards with checks, and gifts from Nana, now brings bills. And more bills. But, I...
The Ultimate Direct Mail Lead-Generation Piece!
Let’s face it, we all get a lot of mail. Some we read and others get the circular file treatment, IF it even makes it to our desks. Hey, in my opinion there is still a place for direct mail – for some...