3 Ways to Increase Your Pinterest Presence
Just when you thought you’d mastered Facebook for your business, another social media site, Pinterest, comes along vying for your time and attention. You may have been waiting it out, letting others test the...
Your LinkedIn Company Page – A 5 Minute Spruce-Up!
LinkedIn can really be a cool way for you to grow. Do a search on any B2B company and you’ll find that for most searches the LinkedIn profile of that company comes up on the first two pages. So take the next...
Sweet Updates to VerticalResponse Social – Coupons & Clipper
We love customer feedback! Many of you have been using VerticalResponse Social for a while now, and have given us some great suggestions. Our engineers jumped on the advice and made some awesome enhancements to our...
5 Pinterest Knockoffs to Keep Your Eye on
Currently the third most popular social network behind Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest has taken the world by storm. With a simple “virtual” pinboard concept, Pinterest is easy to use, and as you will see, easy to...
Twitter Uses Email Marketing for “People You May Know”
Most of you are probably checking your email inbox more than Twitter, no surprise. And we’re sure that as a result, Twitter decided to let you know via email marketing that there are some people you should be...
Facebook’s Promoted Posts! What Does This Mean for Your Biz?
Facebook’s Promoted posts have arrived! If you want to get your post read by more people than those you DON’T pay for go ahead and pay $7. According to Facebook they’d like it to be used for...
10 Common Facebook Questions Answered!
One of the great things about working at VerticalResponse is that we help solve problems, and not just with our own products or services. We make it a point to keep up on new trends and technology because our...
Become a Rock Star on Social Media: 4 Ways
This article by VerticalResponse CEO and founder Janine Popick originally appeared on Inc.com. At VerticalResponse, we truly believe that email and social media go together hand in hand. Why? Because your messages...
Music Festivals: Crusaders in Social Media & Small Biz Exposure
When you think of music festivals, do you imagine crazy crowds, illegal substances, and overall chaos? The connotations may be true, but did you also know that music festivals are crusaders when it comes to...