An Email Marketing Lesson Not to Take from XFINITY
I recently received an email from the newly branded Comcast, XFINITY. They needed a re-branding in big way in my opinion but I’m not so sure a name change is going to cut it. These days you have to...
Creating Exclusivity & Time Sensitivity – Put It to Work for Your Business
As business owners we’re always looking for ways to turn looky-loos into buyers. Two examples of great ways to use both exclusivity and time sensitivity are Gilt Group and Rue La La. My team here at...
5 Ways to Ignite Advocates for Your Business
We’ve talked about the 8 Places to Find Advocates for Your Business, and that’s really important. We found that a HUGE number of our customers come to us through word of mouth referrals and I’m sure...
Content Idea: Create a Story for Your Email Marketing Offers
Cameron Hughes is a great winery out of Napa Valley, California. I got an email from them the other day that I thought was priceless. They had featured pets owned by people who work at the winery, doing their picks...
The Q2 2010 VR500 Email Marketing Excellence Awards Announced
Today I’m super excited to announce the quarterly VR 500 awards! It’s our way of acknowledging our customers for using email to grow their business. Among the winners of the VR500 awards was...
SEO for Small Business – 5 Tips that Will Give You a Bang for NO Bucks!
Alf Brand, our Director of Marcom, has been busy with our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so we can get ranked higher in the search engine rankings for our keywords. So I asked him to contribute to our readers...
Simple Way to Use Customer’s Geographic Information in Your Email Marketing Campaigns
We bought a Soda Stream because you can make fizzy water in minutes, right from the comfort of your own home, and who doesn’t love a little fiz in their H2O? The only thing is, you need to send back the...
Baby Boomers Need to Read Your Email So Make It Easy on the Eyes
Amber Cleave, our Customer Retention Specialist, recently forwarded me a great article by Chad White, who writes for Smith-Harmon an email marketing agency for larger businesses. He wrote a really interesting...
5 Types of Links You May Not Have Thought of Tracking
I was forwarded a great blog post from Michelle Urban, one of our amazing Partner Success Managers here at VerticalResponse. People here are always on the lookout for some great articles to share with you. This one...