Kim Kardashian Is Helping Small Businesses Thrive
There has been so much hype around Kim Kardashian's life, hasn't there? I have to admit, I keep up with Kardashians (sorry, President Obama!) and I love it.
Small Business Saturday is November 26 – Start Marketing Now!
Small Business Saturday is November 26, the day after Black Friday and right before Cyber Monday, and it was created by American Express. They’re asking millions of Americans to shop at their favorite local stores...
BlogWorld Expo: Optimize Your Way to Business Blogging Success
VerticalResponse marketing team members, Ellery and Colleen, recently attended the BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles. This is the third in a series of posts on their learnings from the conference. See the first two...
BlogWorld Expo: Sweet Social Media o’ Mine – The Roxy Theatre’s Reinvention
VerticalResponse marketing team members, Ellery and Colleen, recently attended the BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles. This is the second in a series of posts on their learnings from the conference. See the first post...
25 Holiday Subject Lines that Dazzled Our Inboxes
As the autumn season leaves, the winter chill brings with it happy holiday vibes and big spending, especially after Nov 1. For business owners, you’ve usually already been prepping for months: ordering large...
Is Occupy Wall Street Good or Bad for Small Business?
We recently sent a short online survey to a portion of our small-business customer base, to see what they thought about the current Occupy Wall Street movement. Here are some of our findings.
Take a Walk into a Testing Wonderland
The word “test” has a natural, negative connotation – it can evoke fear, anxiety, and/or spontaneous outbursts of crying (or maybe that’s just me?), and there’s even a technical term...
iMedia Connection: Cater Your Email Marketing to the Holiday Shopping Phases
How can you make the most out of your end-of-year email marketing? Let the three phases of holiday shopping be your guide.
BlogWorld Expo: 10 Steps to Engaging Online Influencers
VerticalResponse marketing team members, Ellery and Colleen, recently attended the BlogWorld Expo in Los Angeles. This is the first in a series of posts on their learnings from the conference. A recurring theme at...