Save the Date! – Holiday Mailing Deadlines You Don’t Want to Miss
Let’s just throw it out there and admit the holidays are a little hectic. Malls are crowded, lines are long, and “Santa Baby” is inevitably going to be branded into your brain for the next 3+...
Small Business CFOs: Do You Need One?
I just published an article on the Huffington Post and wanted to share it with you. Here’s a brief excerpt: It’s a growing pain that many small businesses have. Company founders and CEOs are rarely...
Yep, It’s Holiday Prep Time Again
As much as we love the holidays for the opportunity to spread cheer, participate in festivities, share warm fuzzy moments and declare what we’re thankful for, we can’t deny these later months are also...
Essential Fall Holidays to Recall
What is it about fall that’s so appealing? Is it the crispness in the air, the vibrant oranges and yellows that emerge, football season, or the slight hint of cinnamon in just about everything? Whatever it is, fall... Thanks for Coming Clean Domino’s; Comcast Should Take Notes!
The following post is the latest installment by Janine Popick for the Inc. com Girl Power: Female CEOs blog. I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve seen a crazy barrage of TV commercials for Xfinity; you know, the...
Great Re-Marketing from Rue La La
It seems like such an easy thing to remember to do, but even the best of us forget to do it. That’s right, segment our customers by what they bought last, and offer them more. The daily deal site Rue La La...
iMedia Connection: Fundamentals for Successful Event Marketing
This is the latest installment from Janine Popick’s blog on iMedia Connection. Events – they can be quite intimidating, especially if you’re the organizer. How do I get the word out? Will anyone show...
Email Marketing for this Holiday Season
It’s nearly that time of year: frosty mornings, football on the weekends and the holiday frenzy we all love. If that last statement is difficult to take, or you suddenly gulped when you realized it’s...
Essential Fall Holidays to Recall
What is it about fall that’s so appealing? Is it the crispness in the air, the vibrant oranges and yellows that emerge, football season, or the slight hint of cinnamon in just about everything? Whatever it is, fall...