Why You Should Include an Opt-In Form in Your Email Messages
Every business is focused on building their lead lists, their customer base, their email marketing lists and their social media followers. And chances are that you’re sending out email campaigns. So you might...
How #Hashtags Can Work for You!
If you use Twitter, you have probably noticed those # signs, and you might be wondering what they are. They’re known as Hashtags. These are a user-generated device that organize tweets by a topic, theme,...
Helpful Blogging Advice – Write The Way You Talk!
I’ve blogged a lot about the importance of having a blog for your business (check out my post: Start Blogging! 10 Reasons Why You Think Time Wasted Might Be Time Well Spent), but the actual writing part seems...
10 Resources to Get a Perfect 10 on Your Email Marketing
In honor of 10/10/10, here’s a list of 10 VR 10s – including blog posts, guides, webinars and resource lists – to help you get a perfect 10 on your email marketing. Top 10 Reasons You Should Use Twitter...
How to Collect Lead Info When You Give Something Free
Every business wants to get more email marketing leads right? We all need more exposure to potential and more customers to grow our businesses. One idea to get more leads in the door is to give something away for...
Time Saving Ideas for Your Holiday Email Marketing
Business owners and shoppers alike want to save time during the holidays. Shoppers are shopping online to avoid crazy crowds, shipping products themselves and gift wrapping. Business owners need to think about...
Top 10 VR Blog Posts from Q2 & Q3
Q4 is almost here, and the pace has picked up as people race to prepare for the holidays and new year. Here’s a list of the most popular VR Marketing Blog Posts (in order of popularity) from the last 6 months to...
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Twitter For Your Business!
By now you’ve probably heard that Twitter is a powerful business tool. We think that even though you constantly hear about using Twitter for your business, you may not hear enough about why it is a great...
Highlights From Our First Twitter Chat
We had our first twitter chat, #vrchats last Wednesday and we discussed Email Marketing and Social Media. It’s a big topic and we had a lot of great tweets with insight from VerticalResponse employees and small...